Wednesday 9 May 2012

You Don't Need an iPhad: 5 Trends that are Overrated and Dumb, According to my Boyfriend

Although I do have an inactive Twitter account, and a kick-ass brand new Samsung Galaxy Note I use for making calls and scribbling random drawings on, I am both amused and totally in agreement with my boyfriend's social commentary about contemporary trends, gadgets, technology, and life in general.

Listing to the radio one day in the car...
DJ: So anyway, my iDump totally started to hang and I couldn't download all my files...
Boyfriend: What's an iDump?
Me (Because I Understand Techie Things): It's something... you use to save files from your computer to your iPhone or iTouch,
Boyfriend: In my day, we used to call it a "folder."

My boyfriend has never owned a digital camera, hates having his picture taken, and has pledged eternal scorn towards Twitter and Facebook.

Because I have a huge brain that can't stop overthinking, I once told him that cyber identities are becoming more real than actual people. And that if you don't have a cyber identity, you no longer exist in contemporary society, where human interactions thrive on technology and digital media.

All he said was that he couldn't understand a word I said because he was tired.

Philosophical quotations from my guru boyfriend:
1. Twitter, Facebook, and All Social Networking Platforms.
 "I don't need to know about what you ate for breakfast."

2. Apple Everything: iPad, iPhone, iTouch.
 "We're all going to hell."
 "You need a cellphone for one thing and one thing only: making calls. Everything else is sh*t."

3. 14 megapixel cameras.
 "I have a camera I carry around with me 24/7.. It's called my memory."
 "What's with this in thing about people taking pictures of food and uploading it on Facebook?"

4. Partying at all the latest clubs, etc.
"I'd rather lie down, watch TV, and eat a quarter pounder."

5. Project Runway, Gossip Girl, and Being a Fashionista in General.


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